Copy of antic Bows ...
A bow made of old copy remains an "operation" except in the sense that it takes much longer than making a bow staff model. The passion I have for this profession has naturally led me to make reproductions of certain authors such as bowmakers: Dominique Peccatte, François-Xavier Tourte, Eugene Sartory, EaOuchard ... to meet the demand of some category of musicians who wish to find the "style" of the latter.'s intention is not to "make the forger," my bows are always signed under seal and the pan visible above the rise
original copie
To order a copy of a bow, I ask musicians original bow that will serve as "reference". I chose an old wooden approaching me as possible qualities: flexibility, nervousness ... until grain of the wood texture. I also give a look "weathered, and the angles are a little less sharp than a modern bow. A bow copy must also comply with quotes from all rooms. The camber is also a factor that comes into play.
Archet de Violon en copie de Jean ADAM - plaque de tête argent - vers 1820-1830
sujet du Concours meilleur Ouvrier de France 2011
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Retail beaks - square pins copper